Frequently Asked Questions

How does this membership practice differ from a traditional gynecologic practice?

In a traditional practice, doctors are responsible for a much larger number of patients. At CWHC, Dr. Echt and Dr. Goldberg have chosen to control the number of patients in the practice. This improves physician access and allows plenty of time for questions. For established patients, expedited appointments are available for urgent issues and concerns. Appointment times are lengthy so that medical issues can be addressed thoroughly and all your questions can be answered.

What if I need care after hours?

If you have a problem after hours, a CWHC physician is available for phone consultation/recommendations when needed. We offer an after-hours answering service that can reach us at any time. For emergencies, we always recommend calling 911 or going to your nearest Emergency Room. Our physicians are available to communicate with the ER staff should coordination of care be indicated. 

Does my insurance cover the fee?

Medicare and other private insurances do not cover the annual membership fee. Health insurance coverage should be maintained to cover the costs of specialty care, office visits, hospitalization, laboratory tests, and radiology studies. 

Does the practice provide preventive medical services?

Preventing disease is an important part of any wellness plan. Dr. Echt and Dr. Goldberg will discuss with practice members strategies for healthy living. These may include implementing healthy lifestyle changes, screening tests, and additional strategies which may reduce your risk for certain diseases. 

What if I need to see a specialist?

Dr. Echt and Dr. Goldberg will direct CWHC members to the best specialists in our area and assist with out-of-town referrals if necessary. Our office will facilitate the scheduling of these appointments when urgent. 

Can I use my Healthcare Flexible Spending Account to cover the fee?

Please check with your carrier. Most HSAs will allow you to use these funds to cover the annual fee.

CWHC accepts most major medical PPO insurance plans and Affordable Care Act Plans. We are not in-network for HMO plans. Patients should always contact their insurance to verify that CWHC and Dr. Echt and Goldberg are in their insurance network. Physicians are not always grandfathered into all of the policies the plans below may offer and we can’t necessarily tell by viewing an insurance card.

Blue Cross
Blue Shield
Health Net
United HealthCare